Sunday 10 June 2007

What is Enterprise 2.0? - Web 2.0 technologies for collaborative working

I've been poking about on the incredibly linkful (is that a word? It should be) Green Chameleon blog and I found a link to a really simple but incredibly concise demonstration of how Web 2.0 technologies can facilitate collaboration in the workplace.

It's the sort of the thing that might help you to sell the idea of using them for collaboration, knowledge sharing etc to people who have little knowledge of what Web 2.0 is all about. It looks like it would be a useful awareness raising tool.

I've failed to embed it, here's the link

This video, by Commoncraft, is clever, short and amusing, and demonstrates how a wiki can be used. But it's NOT one for demonstrating the business benefits of using a wiki for collaboration to your CIO.


Robin Stern said...

I went through the entire suite of Commoncraft videos - about the best and most useful intro to Web2.0.

Thanks for the intro, Helen.

Robin Stern said...

I went through the entire suite of Commoncraft videos - about the best and most useful intro to Web2.0.

Thanks for the intro, Helen.